Your lawyer from Cologne Nippes
Welcome to This is the website of advocate Natalia Chakroun from Cologne Nippes. The main activities of the lawyer office are
• Family Law
• Social Law and Tutelage
• Labour Law
• Victim protection and represantation.
Furthermore, I am an officially recognised advisor for psychotraumatology (DIPT) and help victims of violence as well as accident victims in mental stabilization.
Throughout the shared office with the advocates Mrs. von Malapert Neufville and Mrs. Arican we have specialised knowledge in
• Tenancy Law
• Traffic Law
• Contract Law
• Copyright Law
• Media Law
• Banking Law.
Your right is in safe hands
The combination of legal and psychosocial counseling gives me an outstanding ability: Victims of violence seeking legal advice, must recapitulate the (re)traumatising experience in detail. Therefore you need a suitable psychologic support. Otherwise it may lead to a so-called reactualisation of the trauma. Panic, restlessness, sleep disturbances or other symptoms may occur. Usually advocates can not handle such situations. Since I am legally and psychologically competent, I can ensure a protected safe environment.
On this flyer (in German) you can find more information about my work in stabilizating traumatized persons like victims of violence or attack victims.
Useful tips from your lawyer
In the download category (in German) you will find some helpful forms, for example applications for legal aid during and before proceedings go to court. Additionally, you can find some templates, for example a letter to a landlord in case of abatement of rent.
Shortly, we at will provice you with some video tutorials (in German) on how to fill in numerous forms and applications, for example the application for legal aid.